Epic Friends is a website developed by Sheffield CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) and Sheffield Children’s Hospital to help young people to get support for themselves support their friends who may be having difficulty coping with their emotions or mental health
The helpline is open 10am – 4pm to anyone in the Sheffield area; Hear to Hear is a multi-Lingual and multi-faith bereavement helpline
Homeless Assessment and Support Team (HAST), provides access to healthcare and support services for homeless people in Sheffield who have mental health problems.
- Assessment service, team consists of Community Mental Health Nurse, a Social Worker and another Social Worker partly funded by the Department of Health’s Rough Sleepers Initiative.
- Working with Sheffield Community Brain Injury Rehabilitation Team which provide brain injury education and gives an avenue to discuss clients with multiple and complex needs, including brain injury. Self-referral or professional referral.
- Team working closely with Housing Solutions and other interim accommodation providers in the city.
Wide range of services available in Sheffield ranging from counselling and psychotherapy to one-on-one support, men’s group and training. Call to talk through which services would best meet your needs.
Run by the charity Together Sheffield. Residential housing project providing accommodation and support for 11 adults with mental health needs. Also offer support service for people in their own homes in the community.
Offer supported housing in Sheffield for people with mental health troubles.
SAYiT works with young people aged 11-25 and professionals to make real lives better. They provide practical support to LGBTQ+ young people, host a parent and carer group and their training helps organisations improve knowledge and address discrimination.
Sheffield Support Hub, offers free mental health support in a welcoming, comfortable, non-judgemental, non-clinical environment.
- Experienced team provides emotional, social and practical support if you are in crisis or feel you are heading towards a crisis situation.
- Offer help with creating saying well and crisis plans, and support visitors to access other services and organisations that may be useful to them.
- Walk-in service, there’s no need to be referred. Virtual support also offered via telephone and video call.
- Working closely with GPs, Community Mental Health Teams, Crisis Teams, A&E Mental Health Liaison Teams, Police and Ambulance Services, Street Triage, and other front-line healthcare professionals to ensure that people in emotional distress have a safe, supportive place to go to, with appropriate support available.