Parkgate Young People's Service support young people with a range of support needs to help them prepare for an independent tenancy in a nurturing environment where they feel safe and secure. Support and accommodation for up to 55 young people. No self referrals.
Adullam, provides quality housing, delivers tailored support plans, training and education opportunities to help people meet their potential.
- Supported housing across the UK in 30 multi occupancy facilities and some self-contained flats houses & bed sits.
- Learning and Engagement coordinators and tenancy support sustainment officers to work with tenants, residents and services uses to help them achieve their potential by delivering sessions on:
- Awareness and access to services
- Suitable accommodation and support
- Reducing repeat homelessness
- Eliminating the need to rough sleep
- Floating support, delivered as a flexible housing-related service which helps service users to achieve and maintain their full potential independent living skills, regardless of their level or complexity or support needs. Support can include:
- Income/expenditure work, money management, debt reduction and encouraging saving
- Signposting to other services
- Citizens becoming further integrated into their community
- Specialist Support – the running of projects that are tailor-made for certain client groups. These groups included: young people, those with alcohol or substance misuse, those who have been affected by gambling addiction. Co-production as part of this, getting tenants and residents involved from the inside knowledge they have of situations within the project are having to deal with.
- Running of mutual aid groups such as Narcotics Anonymous
- Training, including Self-Management and Recovery (SMART), NVQ qualifications, Reduction and Motivation Programme (RAMP), Recovery in Cheshire East (RICE)
- Close relationships with schools, college and youth support networks
- Partnerships working with gambling addiction charity Gordon Moody.
A recognised provider of housing services for the Black and Minority Ethnic communities in Sheffield and surrounding areas. Where possible, they use a new homes building matrix that takes into account of the needs of local communities.
Ashmount Court is a development of 16 high quality, self-contained flats in Doncaster that provides accommodation and 24-hour support for people with complex mental health needs. Person-centred recovery support is provided by our core team on-site team of Recovery Support Workers, with additional support from our Quality and Practice Team.
Works with the local council to tackle housing related issues. Adults between 18-65 welcome. Contact for more details.
Provides supported accommodation services for homeless young people across Barnsley. Although we are unable to take direct referrals into these services, feel free to contact our offices.
It also runs the free-phone Centrepoint Helpline, a national service for any young person aged 16-25 who is worried about homelessness.
Cherrytree supports young people (aged 16 – 21) who are homeless and in need of support. Provides accommodation, and personalised support to help young people develop the life skills necessary for them to gain confidence, and to re-establish their lives.
- Supported Accommodation Projects, two supported accommodation sites across Sheffield. A twenty-bed hostel in Totley on the edge of the Peak District, and an eight bedroomed house near the City Centre. 1:1 personalised support provided to develop independent living skills and tackle underlying causes of homelessness. Stay up to a year before being offered access to the home and health service, when they move on to their own tenancy. Informed by Psychologically Informed Environments (PIE).
- Counselling and Mediation, provides a confidential and safe space for young people to talk about anything troubling them. Family mediation also offered.
- Homes and Health Service, help young people to move into, and maintain their own tenancies, living independently. Provide practical help but also provide more personal support to suit each individuals needs. Support them to access health services and general wellbeing. Help them to know their local area and find support networks. Support them with developing household skills, budgeting etc.
Choices Housing Trust, an independent housing association and a Not-For-Profit charitable organisation, providing 37 rooms across 10 houses in Sheffield. Accept referrals from a range of homeless organisations, as well as statutory services such as Local Authorities, NHS and Probation. Lease residential properties from owner landlords on a series of 6 renewable leases. Offers supports to residents in the areas of welfare benefits, debt management, employment, health, and housing.
Crisis Skylight South Yorkshire is an outreach service offering support to people from the age of 16, who are homeless, have been homeless in the last two years or are at risk of becoming homeless. They offer education, training and support within hostels, day centres and local community venues in Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield. Their one to one coaching support helps their members achieve their goals and move out of homelessness. *Please do not come to the Crisis Skylight South Yorkshire building as we don’t offer member support from this location.
The staff working at Move On provide fully supported accommodation to anyone who is at risk of homelessness, or who has been made homeless. We can also help people learn - or relearn - the personal, social and practical skills needed to gain education, find work, and live independently. Accepts referrals from a range of professionals and local organisations. You can also self-refer by calling the Move On team.
Emmaus Sheffield, providing a home, support and work for formerly homeless men and women.
- Companion Rooms, each individual has their own furnished en-suite room. Clothing, nutritious meals and other essentials are also provided.
- Provides individual training packages to assist residents to gain skills and qualifications, enabling them to overcome past difficulties, boost confidence and self-esteem. Work with partners to provide opportunities to enrich the project and give individuals the recognise skills to reintegrate into wider society.
- Dedicated art room where companions can take the time out to express themselves through art.
Framework’s Sheffield Street Outreach Team helps to engage with and help rough sleepers and to quantify the extent of street homelessness in partnership with other agencies such as Local Authorities. They help:
- Find safe and secure accommodation
- Find appropriate treatment for underlying drug, alcohol and mental health problems
- Secure access to medical help
- Re-engage with estranged family members
- Return to their home region or home country
- Claim whatever benefits they are entitled to.
With our supported accommodation, you will get exclusive support and a housing officer who will assist you in managing finances and other basics for living independently. You can also avail the services of career, employment, and training advisors.
Alpha are passionate about promoting independence later in life and with more than 960 apartments and flats in 11 local authorities we could be just the answer you are looking for if you are aged 55 or over. Our developments offer you a place of your own to live, but with the security and company of a dedicated team of managers and housekeepers close by whenever you need them. Independent living, but with a helping hand.
Alpha are a non-profit making organisation, which means that every penny we make is reinvested into Alpha’s housing. We are members of the National Housing Federation and regulated by the Regulator of Social Housing.
This page gives details of support services you can contact if you feel at risk of becoming homeless or are experiencing homelessness.
Contact Sheffield City Council Housing Solutions as a soon as possible if you're experiencing any of the following problems. They will be able to provide advice, help and support if:
- you're homeless or living in unsafe/unstable conditions
- you've had a change in circumstance that could lead to you losing your home
- you're concerned you may become homeless
- you have a housing problem which may result in the end of your tenancy
This service helps young single homeless people aged 16-30, who are at risk or vulnerable, with support needs. They can accept couples and no local connection is required. Self referral.
Improve life chances while living independently:
- Supporting clients to meet their goals through matching client's qualities, aspirations and interests; one-one support to improve IT and admin skills with CV building advice and interview techniques
- Assisting the client to overcome financial barriers such as accessing grants
- Encouragement to access training providers in colleges, six forms, apprenticeships, volunteer work, open university
The Lighthouse Project provides short and long term accommodation, care and support. They provide a safe, secure and structured environment and can offer training for women over 18, who want new skills and opportunities. Monday to Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
This service helps single homeless men who wish to address their issues, learn new skills and move on to successful independent living. The service can accept ex-offenders direct from prison. Monday to Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Nomad Opening Doors exist to improve access to decent, affordable housing while helping people to transition out of homelessness. Provides ongoing support to enable clients to develop skills and resilience to avoid homelessness in the future. Currently NOMAD have 65 rooms – 19 training flats and 46 private rented.
- Smartsteps supports people into training flats or private rented accommodation. Each tenant is then supported by a:
- Housing Officer, who helps people develop the skills needed to sustain a tenancy.
- Progression and Development Officer, supports people throughout their journey with Nomad, as they work towards the goals and aspirations of each individual tenant on a one to one basis.
- Support in enrolment in further education or finding a hobby
- Housing Benefit/Universal Credit application support