Parcels can only be given out if the individual has been issued a voucher by an authorised voucher holder, such as St Leger Homes. Parcels contain food to last 3 days. This food bank supports residents with a DN7 post code.
South Yorkshire
Advice on asylum support and health issues, British Red Cross Refugee Support outreach, English conversation/informal learning, various recreational activities, refreshments provided.
Out of Office (01302 323444)
3 days free supply of non-perishable food in a crisis situation in exchange for a voucher.
Vouchers can be obtained following an assessment of need from the Civic Offices, Citizens Advice and other support workers.
A maximum of 3 vouchers are allowed per client, with the possibility of extending support in exceptional circumstances.
Food is accessed by voucher only.
The staff working at Move On provide fully supported accommodation to anyone who is at risk of homelessness, or who has been made homeless. We can also help people learn - or relearn - the personal, social and practical skills needed to gain education, find work, and live independently. Accepts referrals from a range of professionals and local organisations. You can also self-refer by calling the Move On team.
Food parcels are free of charge and contain food to last 3 days. This food bank supports residents of Edlington and Warmsworth.
Provides hot meals, takeout food and other supplies.
A National Charity that supports victims of honour-based abuse and forced marriage. Honour crimes are not determined by age, faith, gender or sexuality, we support and work with all victims. Culture, religion and tradition are not an excuse; forced marriage is illegal in the UK.